Štiričlanska družina smo postali, ko smo eno leto popotovali okoli sveta. Takrat smo se odločili, da bo svet prihajal k nam. Svoje zavetje, bivanje in možnost delovanja smo si našli v rojstnem mestu Ptuj. Ustvarili smo svoj dom, dom KULTure multikulturno zgradbo s kreativno kavarno muziKafe, sončno teraso, polkletnim prostorom – galerijo, namenjeno raznovrstni kulturno umetniški vsebini – koncerti, predavanja, literarni večeri, predstave, plesni performensi, razstave, delavnice…Stanka namreč že dve desetletji deluje na področju kulture in umetnosti kot kostumografinja in vizualna umetnica, Igorja glasba zanima od zibelke naprej, Dora rada riše, igra violino, DarVin pa po svoje ustvarja. Delujemo v samem centru najstarejšega mesta v Sloveniji ki samo po sebi ponuja čudovito kuliso za dogajanja, hkrati pa nosi v sebi možnost in priložnost, da ponudimo ljudem tu in okrog vsebino, dušo, nov kulturno umetniški prostor. Od junija 2012 so na voljo tudi prenočišča z zajtrkom B&B. Vabljeni, veselimo se srečanja!
Stanka in Igor Vauda Benčevič z Doro in DarVinom
We became a four-member family while experiencing a one-year trip around the world. Then we decided that the world would be coming to us. We took up residence in the center of our birth town – Ptuj which offers opportunity for creativity. We have created our own home, Home of CULTure, a multicultural building which includes the coffee bar muziKafe, a sunny terrace, and a semi-cellar place – gallery intended for a variety of cultural events (concerts, lectures, literary evenings, performances, exhibitions, workshops, etc.)…Stanka is a costume designer and visual artist and has been working in the field of arts and culture for two decades, Igor has been interested in music since he was a little boy, Dora enjoys drawing and playing the violin, and DarVin creates things in his own way. We live and create in the center of Slovenia’s oldest town Ptuj which itself offers a marvellous medieval scenery for a variety of cultural events. The town has given us the opportunity to present a new, culture-art place in which events with content and soul are performed. From June 2012 onwards, we will be able to provide accommodation with breakfast (B&B) . And what is more, a lot of poetry can be read and heard here around during summer time (August) as we are hosting the international festival Days Of Poetry and Vine on the square in front of our house. We are looking forward to welcoming you !
Stanka and Igor Vauda Benčevič with Dora and DarVin